How to Use Big Data and Cloud Computing for Business?

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As technology is evolving at a fast pace, businesses need to select the specific app for different needs! Big Data and Cloud Computing are the two most popular technologies advancing business motives. Both of them are fundamentally different in their operations & functioning. Big Data is all about dealing with large data sets and cloud computing is about the handling of enterprise infrastructure.

The technologies are used differently and also in combination with both to simplify the operations. One of the best examples of the merger of technologies is Amazon and it leverages the power of both. Both technologies are in the evolution phase and are meant to provide scalable business solutions. Big Data & Cloud Computing are the center of concern in businesses as technology assists to enhance productivity. Businesses are also able to make better decisions using relevant technology like cloud-based QuickBooks.

Businesses aim to enhance organizational revenues and also reduce investment cost. Cloud computing is taking care of the local infrastructure and big data helps to manage a large volume of data swiftly. Internet is producing large chunks of data, both in a structured & unstructured way. The business heads need to adapt to new technologies to move forward with their business motives. Get help from such tools to manage the use of resources and also handle a large volume of data. The guest post is providing details to use Big Data and Cloud Computing for businesses.

What is Big Data? How to Use it in Businesses?

Big Data refers to the large volume of data generated by users in varied forms as they use the internet daily. The large data sets are either structured or unstructured. When data is structured, it means that data exists in the form with no need for cleaning or sorting. The unstructured data sets need sorting before use. The use of big data has increased exponentially over the years and has become an efficient source to serve customer needs better.

Data processing & analysis is part of the big data technology and is described below with five Vs –

Volume – It refers to a large volume of data

Velocity – It indicates the data flow rate

Value – It means data evolution to derive meaningful insights

Variety – It refers to different types of data

Veracity – It indicates data availability & confidentiality

The traditional storage servers are unable to accommodate the volume of data generated by consumers and the technology is helping in the proper analysis of the data. Here are some of the top reasons to use big data in businesses –

1. It Helps in Recruitment

Big data is helping organizational recruiters to use different tools to place the candidates as early as possible to gain a competitive edge. It is also assisting the recruiters to speed up and automate the recruitment needs. The relevant big data tools are also helping recruiters to automate the placement process. It is the platform that provides an internal database with a 360-degree view of the candidates.

2. It Assists in Log Analysis

Log management & analysis are vital aspects in businesses that have been around a long time ago. But log data can be a hindrance when it comes to storing & economically processing data. There are different tools available in the market that simplify the analysis of log data without dumping it into the relational database.

3. It Provides Benefits in Online Publishing

Big Data is proving vital to expand the subscriber base and also boosts the business bottom line. The technology comes up with new ideas to process & analyze both user data and content data. The documents remain clean with the help of a powerful search engine. With help of big data predictive analysis, the publisher can provide better content to its users.

4. It is Powering the E-Commerce Industry

E-commerce companies are getting multiple benefits with the help of Big Data Analytics. It provides a better search experience applicable to both mobiles & laptops. Predictive analysis and big data are used to predict the preferences of the users using log data.

What is Cloud Computing? How to Use Cloud Computing in Business?

Cloud computing is the technology where resources are stored in virtual servers and data in remote locations. The cost of IT infrastructure reduces significantly with the help of cloud computing. It allows enterprises to work remotely and provides the required flexibility required in business operations. Business owners can rent or buy the resources as much as they need. It means that businesses can adjust to their specific needs with help of cloud service providers.

The technology provides easy access to high-speed data processing over the internet. There has been significant innovation in distributed computing and virtualization. The cloud architecture is consisting of 3 different structures namely – public cloud, private cloud, & hybrid cloud. A public cloud is referred to as the data center or server with multiple users on it and a private cloud is providing a separate server to the business. A hybrid cloud is referred to the mix of both types of cloud computing architecture.

Here are the top benefits of cloud computing for business –

1. It provides remote data access

Data access and safety is the top concern of businesses in different environments. Access the data remotely for safe business use and make relevant edits in the files as per the need. No need to visit the office premises to access the data and it can be done remotely.

2. It ensures easy data backup

Data backup is vital to protect the business from a mishap or disaster. Businesses need to be prepared to face the adverse situation expertly and thus data backup is one of the vital functionalities of the technology.

3. It improves the data security

Businesses need to be aware of modern-day threats and thus protect the data from any kind of outside intervention. Data security needs to be one of the important aspects in business planning and thus select the technology that secures the data.

4. It helps in real-time data analysis

Businesses need real-time data to make the right decisions and cloud computing is providing help to businesses for testing their efforts on several projects. The real-time data also helps the determination of customer behavior & what they need.

5. It prevents any loss of data

Data loss is always an issue with traditional storage and cloud storage is providing the facility to avoid any sort of data loss. Information is stored on different servers and easily retrieved as needed.

Final Thoughts!

Both Big Data and Cloud Computing are on-demand technologies assisting businesses to fix their concerns. They are here to stay and get updated on a regular basis with advanced functionalities. Look for combined use of the technology to make the most of the latest tools. The technologies are taking businesses to new heights and helping them accomplish their desired goals.

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